Here is a note I sent out to the MARSH group in Houston as many were having a hard time understanding how/why someone could/would charge $8 - $10 a pound for something “as cheap as dirt” (I guess that phrase is out now).
“A Miracle is Born”
Lets say that you start looking at filtration and you think that... hmmm... the mangrove mud flats are a great place for macro and other fauna and flora and critters and this could be a great model for a closed system filter... Besides haven't I heard that much of the Ion exchange and "filtration" of seawater occurs in these kinds of areas?
Let’s go look at setting up a refugium sump with a mud/silt or whatever substrate... just not normal beach sand or crushed coral. Something that we would think could mimic the mangrove situation. Well we try a number of possible substrates. We try clay, dirt, real mangrove mud, sludge from the bottom of very old tanks, and whatever we can find that makes any sense at all. Some of it is too fluffy, some too compact, some kills all the life, some causes killer blooms, some results in no algae growth, some just smells bad, and on and on.
Then one day after months maybe years of experimentation you find yourself in the backyard with your dog. Well, you notice the big hole you mutt has dug in the yard and while you contemplate what form of corporal punishment is in store for the beast you stop and think... hmm this combination of dirt and clay and black sand looks curiously like the "substrate" you have been looking for. You think to yourself... "This used to be a big ancient sea"... Maybe we should try it... You worry about the tons of fertilizer you have been using on the lawn in this are for years... Nah... it would be a MIRACLE if it worked...
But... because you will try anything at this point you put a couple of marine animals up as experimental sacrificial lambs. A week, a month, damn... a year, this stuff is working... only a few water changes (no more than you used to perform with the Berlin or Jaubert)... macro-algae is busting out. Animals are doing handstands... man this is a miracle!!! hmmm miracle.... hmmm mud... hmmm ancient sea bed..... hmmm "Miracle Mud"!!!! Let’s go for it.
Well Vern, how much to charge for it... Well this IS America... What is the cost of the development... well took me quite a while to stumble on to this... lots of salt, water, creatures.... Buy the way, what would people pay for a "Miracle"?
Let’s see...
"Miracle White" basically baking soda at 150 times the price...
"Miracle Bra" as I said before, I don't care what is the cost of it, IT WORKS!!!
"Miracle Max" a funny character in the "Princess Bride"... I would pay a lot to see Billy Crystal...
"Miracle Cloth" a rag with polish ground into it and costs 100 times the ingredients...
Ok... lets charge $100.00 a pound for the stuff. You need 10 pounds per 60 gallons of tank water so we will make a fortune...
Damn... nobody is buying it... what are they thinking... it IS a miracle after all.. These kinds of miracles don't come cheap.
Ok... Lower the price per pound... $80... $50... $20... $8... ok they are starting to buy the stuff... good 'ol supply and demand of the free enterprise system. We leveled out at about $8 a pound... Well believe it or not that is not a great deal of profit once you consider that I have to dig that stuff up. Clean it up. Add some fertilizer, bag it, market it, distribute it... and the fact that even though it truly is a "Miracle" it still is not selling like hot cakes... hmmm hot cakes.... I wonder if I should add some of those to the mix....
Soon some one else will come up with "Sensational Sand" or "I can't Believe it is Just a Brick" product and show me some real competition until then... Miracles CAN happen...