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Hello guys, I'm just about ready to run my calcium reactor, just trying to find a place to fill up my CO2 tank. Anyways, I was wondering what you guys find the best way to monitor the pH of the effluent water. Is it best to get a pH probe and put it in a containter that catches the water coming out of the reactor or should I drill the calcium reactor and add a pH probe port on the lid? I was going more for the DIY probe port because I think it would look nicer but I couldn't find a good enough probe bulkhead, I had found one on premium aquatics but reading the reviews it says that it won't fit the neptune probes very well and that's what I'll be using. Any suggestions for that? Any help would be very appreaciated. Thanks.
Which reactor do you have? Most of them have adapters to allow for a probe. You need to be careful if you do it yourself because the reactor is pressurized, they are prone to leaks.

I have an older PM Rfca4 that I got from skatezen, I don't know if there are any adapters for it and either way I would have to drill anyways wouldn't I? I was planning on using that weld-on stuff to make sure I got a proper seal since like you mentioned it is pressurized.
Hey man. Effluent cups are supper easy to make. Let me know if u need to make one. I have tons of clear acrylic home.

Thanks for the offer!

I think I'm going to give a try to the pH probe holder. I found this awesome DIY and the good thing about it is that this guy is using the same reactor I have. Here's a link for anyone that interested in doing the same thing http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2009-03/diy/index.php

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