Is money is not a big deal then ATI powermodule is amazing, but if your budget is limited then tek elite fixture by far. The aquatic life fixture is Nice. My buddy has the 6 bulb on his 72g bow. The timer is really nice, and the moon lights are nice too, but real reefers don't go by looks and pretty design. Reflectors, ballasts, temperature, end caps, those are much more important. Tek lights reflectors could pretty much be a mirror. The fixture itself is extremely light weight and slim. I own a 36 inch 6 bulb tek elite. Amazing. The best fixture I have ever owned.
The aquatic life fixture costs a lot more, and is not the best pick. It is a really nice fixture, and the bulbs they come with are impressive. if you pick the tek light or ati light, you will love it as well. If you pick the aquatic life fixture, you will as well love it. It's personal choice, but in the end, there are a dozen or two decent fixtures out there but there is a reason why so far you were only told 2 different fixtures. Get the hint lol