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While cleaning it.

Is there a number I can call for support on replacement parts? Thanks.

The double threaded side that connects the power head to the bottom plate broke off, and now I can't remove either from the source.

I'm really annoyed.


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The thread neck is stuck in my powerhead right now, and the other side of that thread is stuck on the plate. I need to replace the entire bottom part, and maybe the powerhead as well unless I can somehow peel it off.


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If I can't get the threaded broken piece that's in the output of the Power head out, I'll need to replace the powerhead ( and also the cone bubble plate because the bottom plate ( of the two has the other half of the thread broken off stuck there and the nut on the other side is jammed in there, which is how I broke it to begin with becuase I was trying to take that off while it was still attached to the pump, stupid me.

I can't seem to find the piece I broke, or the threaded nut that keeps it together. Excuse my terminology.


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So this gasket like nut that holds down the tube-like threaded thing got jammed, so this was my first problem, becuase I hand tightened it to the point where I couldn't unscrew it. This is what lead me to just playing around with the powerhead while it was attached to the bottom plate.

I ended up screwing in the threaded tube into the powerhead to the point where I twisted it off. Now the remains of the threaded tube is stuck on both the output of the powerhead, and the bottom part of hte plate.





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And I can't get that thing off on the first pic. I've gotten to the point where I'm taking a knife and slicing the inside out little by little, but I'm afriad I'll just hav eto end up replacing the whole bubble plate.


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So I managed to salvage my plate and the pump. All I need to buy is this:

Via their contact us page, I contacted them that night, and a gentlemen got back to me promptly even though he told me he was out of the country and wouldn't be back till Tuesday! Great service :). Having said that, after I sent him the pics, he simply asked for my address and is sending out this part to my place. I can't be more happy with this product. This set back was a fault of my own but they are definitely living up to the performance of their products both in ability and customer support.

Thanks SWC, I can't wait to get my skimmer back up on my skimmerless tank :(


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They don't have a number found on their website. I've been talking to them via email. I do have their number now because it's in the rep's signature and see that they're in Canada. I don't see the item on their website either which is why I had to contact them.

It looks like he won't be charging me anything! :)

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