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What type of LED lighting system (250w replacement, refugium, nano, supplemental)?
For what size take?
What features do you want?
Reasonable price you would pay for system listed?


NJRC Member
North, NJ
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I'd want one for my refugium to grow cheato and macro algaes.

I'd want one for my 180 gallon to keep primarily LPS and zoas, maybe a few sps.

I'd want one for my 30L I'll be doing in a few months.

Features: ability to adjust the leds to get the colors that I like best (primarily 14-20K)
- simulate sunrise and sunset w/ moonlights

Specs: not sure so long as it can grow LPS and Zoas and a few SPS in a 180 that is 72 x 24 x 24 wouldn't mind the specs.

Price: I think it is a bit extreme that for a 72" tank fixtures range from cheap EVO light $300 x 3 ($900) and other lights $1,800 - $3,000.

Again this is all JMO!


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Legs. For alot of us suspension systems aren't possible. Lower Cost is a plus and quality build along with a pleasing to the eye fixture is a must.


Senior Member
Queens, NY
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250 watt replacement for my 65g.
I want moonlight, sunrise and sunset and bright lights to grow any sps.
The light should be bright with a slight blue for aesthetic value maybe 12k or 14k. Anyone want a 20k look?
I am willing to sacrifice dimmer and adjustment of colors for a lower price.
I am willing to pay $300-$500. I want to replace the mh but make an economical decision. It should be cheaper in a year or two with bulb replacement, electricity and cooling. That would make me make the hurtle to led.


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Intensity settings would be great to have without getting hit over the head with an outrageous price

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