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riverdale ny
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hello im looking for a shop, help, some one who know a good deal about this. i have had a 125 tank for years with over flow boxes. its in my bead room and this thing was a home made project from day one. is there anyone willing to get paid to make this thing silent with reef ready system. im not asking for a favor im asking for a pro and im willing to pay. i live in the bronx in riverdale. if i dont get this done im going to have to shut tank down, because she cant sleep with it running. i understand this is a project. i am 100 willing to help in any way lifting moving, crying or bitching im good at all of them. if you cant do this but know some one who can please send them my way.

thank you.


i responded best to text at 718 810 6645. or my email is


Experienced Reefer
lincoln park, nj
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have you considered buying a 125RR and moving the livestock over rather than modifying what you have? there are lots of tanks for sale on MR.

on a completely different note, how about a white noise generator to mask the noise from the fish tank. my wife and i see sleep with an air filter running. drowns out everything else and because its "white noise" you don't even hear it after a while.
riverdale ny
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if im going to do it i would move up to a 150rr, if you know of one and some one willing to do the work send them my way. they can even have the 125 when were done. i did look into the noise machine. but if im going to get into a HUGE project like that, then i might as well move up to the 150. (hint hint)
riverdale ny
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the over flowes... i made them in shop class. i really have no clue what i was doning. almost all of it was free, or trade. i didnt have alot of money at the time i was building it. so im really starting to pay for things down the line. its time for an over haul. duck tape and this hammer only fixed so much.

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