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NJRC Member
North, NJ
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I am going to be purchasing an ATI Bubble Master 250 this weekend for less than 1/2 the retail price.

Wondering if it would be a good skimmer for a 180 gallon with medium-high bioload.

By that I mean a few tangs (3 total) and maybe 5 or so smaller fish.

Also will have 80% LPS.

Thanks in advance!


NJRC Member
North, NJ
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It's going to be a 180 with pretty heavy bioload I think...

Fish list includes:

Achilles tang, hippo tang, yellow tang, 2 clowns, bsj, pair yellow watchman gobies and maybe maybe! A powder blue, but that is a HUGE maybe considering the other tangs.

Also corals will be primarily acans, favias, hammers etc mainly lps

Also zoas and such.

Maybe a few sps but probably not many at all

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Acro76 farmer!
Livonia, Mi
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The biggest difference between the ASM and the ATI is the pumps. The sicce pumps IMO outperform the ASM pumps. The reliability is also heavily skewed to the ATI. I've sent back over 10 of the ASM sedra pumps over the years vs 1 sicce pump.

This skimmer would have no problem with a 300 gallon + reef tank if cleaned weekly. If you dont have the time to do this look into an avast marine aqua swabbie. It will clean the skimmer neck for you, extending your cleaning time.

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