gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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I don't know much about Orbitec but i think it is counter-productive on doing this. it is going to be expensive to actually enforce this with all the recent introductions of LED products on the market. if they really wanted to help the industry, they should make there own fixture.


Long Island
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go foreign led makers

Not entirely, the foreign manufacture is clear of any patent violation as the law only applies here in the US but the importer will be liable as they are vilating the patent.

In our case of the group buys for say the Chinese fixtures, Alibaba is not breaking any law BUT the person who imported the product is.


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Long Island
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Wow, what a buzz kill. Never fear...for every problem, there is a solution ;)

The most frustrating thing about this, Orbitech has no intentions of producing LEDs for aquarium hobbyists. They are a government contracted company that produces Marine Craft and Underwater technologies, Rocket Engines, Space Technologies, all that utilize LEDs. I bet they are filing this patent so they will not have to pay another company to use LEDs in their own practices. Its like Intel putting a patent on the silicon transistor so they don't have to pay someone else for creating each CHIP (hypothetical example). There are plenty of other people that can use that transistor for computing purposes but they all get screwed, just like us.
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Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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God, I hate the USPTO. Don't get me wrong, patents, properly administered and applied, are a wonderful thing. However, they keep granting patents for things that show that the patent examiner hasn't got a bloody clue about what prior art exists or what would be considered obvious to a person with "ordinary skill in the art." In this case, the patent that Orbitech was granted is for something that is obvious; you're just replacing MH or T5 lights in a fixture with LEDs, and the controllability is something that naturally stems from the nature of LEDs. *sigh*

...And, of course, you can't challenge it without ruinously expensive litigation, or merely prohibitively expensive reexamination requests (which may or may not be reviewed by someone who knows his head from his arse.)

However, even I doubt that the incompetence of the Patent Office will allow this 'new' patent to be approved.

It looks like someone actually did plonk down the cash for an ex parte reexamination of the main patent; with any luck it'll get to someone with a clue.

...In the meanwhile, I refuse to buy anything from any party that pays Orbitech licensing fees. Companies like Orbitech are leeches, producing nothing and draining the vitality of markets.


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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I don't know much about Orbitec but i think it is counter-productive on doing this. it is going to be expensive to actually enforce this with all the recent introductions of LED products on the market. if they really wanted to help the industry, they should make there own fixture.

Frankly, my dear, Orbitech doesn't give a damn. This patent exists so that they can extort money from anyone who -does- want to make an LED fixture and/or import one in the US. This is, of course, in direct contravention of the intended purpose of patents in the US, which is to allow inventors and manufacturers a limited monopoly as a reward for innovation. Unfortunately, in this case, Orbitech isn't manufacturing anything and certainly isn't the result of innovation either.


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new jersey
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reading these comments I thought that mr. Cybulski (owner of the PS company) has died or something. I even called his wife last night to make sure he is OK. guess what? He is alive and also working on limited edition aniversary lamp. I even extended an invitation to come to US in September for few events.

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