I'm looking for water filtration system with a self cleaning mechanism for a pool that contains fish. Do yo know who deals with that technology?
Trying to help you without getting into much details I'd recommend you to check a company named Amiad in automatic filtration or www.amiad.com . We needed a some bigger service from them and it was satisfied. Good luck!
Trying to help you without getting into much details I'd recommend you to check a company named Amiad in automatic filtration or www.amiad.com . We needed a some bigger service from them and it was satisfied. Good luck!
Our need was for a water system for a small village and in www.amiad.com they use the automatic filtration technology.
You can also have a look at www.amiadusa.com .
Well sorry for being a little off-topic but the subject of water made me ask this. I was wondering whether it is a good idea to administer chlorine in the water that are used for drinking purposes. As I come from a rural area this is regularly done as a practice but this being already an age old practice I believe that it is time that some reforms were introduced to the system. Please do comment.