I would encourage readers to look at the Apogee review I wrote for Advanced Aquarist many years ago. It can be found at www.reefkeepers.info under the lighting section. It will provide additional information not found in your article.
I hope you'll take time to clarify some points of your interesting article:
I was surprised that you used a white bucket rather than a reef tank to compare the sensors. The bright curved sides of translucent white buckets can change the light field in ways quite different from a typical reef tank. How did you settle on using a bucket and what tests did you run to convince yourself that the results would be applicable to a reef tank?
Out of curiosity I did my own experiment. I measured light intensity from the perfect point source (the sun) in the open, and within a white and black bucket. At a time when the sun was overhead, I measured intensity of 1491 uE/m^2/sec with a flat terrestrial sensor. At the same time, my 4pi sensor measured 1490 uE in the black bucket and 3378 uE in the white bucket! That an increase of 127% just by using a white bucket!
Because of the high intensity in the white bucket I couldn't try the Apogee in the open sunlight. Taking the Apogee into the shade, it read 114% higher in the white bucket compared to the black bucket. That compares to just a 77% increase doing the same comparison with a flat terrestrial LiCor sensor. So the Apogee isn't acting like a flat or spherical sensor when it is in the white bucket.
In the article you argue without any supporting evidence that only down-welling light matters, "you'll probably want to obtain a sensor that measures only downwelling light." From a cost saving's standpoint, I would certainly agree. Spherical light sensors are considerably more expensive, but I can't think of another reason. Kirk (whom you cite) along with every other author I'm familiar with stress the importance of measuring the entire light field, not just direct light when measuring underwater light fields.
In my work I've found underwater light fields to be complex and unpredicitable. I have to agree with the scientific studies on the matter. A flat sensor will more often than not under-measure total integrated light. From the data I've collected, I've concluded that a real tank's light field can not be calculated using the inverse square rule, nor can it be characterized by measuring with a flat sensor-unless your reef tank is in a black bucket with black sand!
I've got additional methodological questions. In nearly all of the graphs the Apogee and LiCor numbers are equal at low intensities and then gradually diverge, in some cases dramatically. And these are fairly low light levels. As many tanks have much higher light levels, do you think the difference would be that much greater at more typical light levels? Do you have any idea why the Apogee progressively measures lower levels as the intensity increases? You don't touch on that in your conclusions.
You say the water depth was 18 cm and there are 6 data points on each graph. The X axis isn't labeled, so it isn't clear what is being measured. Can you clarify that? If the X axis is distance, I'd guess that each data point would be (maybe) 2 cm from one-another. Those are terribly small increments to have the lines diverge so quickly. There's no mention of how the distances were measured or controlled. Was the light raised? The bucket lowered? The bucket is a collimator if the light source is high up and less so as the light is lowered, so you are changing other characteristics of the light field as you change the intensity. Did you study that at all?
Your graphs show the AB 10K peaking at 160 uE while the old Coralife 20,000 K peaked at 400 uE. Are you suggesting that the Coralife creates that much more light than the AB bulb?
In your "worse-case" example, your 20,000K measurements in the electric light setting show the Apogee under-reporting light intensity by 23% at the highest intensity. This seems like a large difference and one that refutes the notion that Apogee measurements are interchangable with the LiCor. A hobbist with a lot of actinic light is going to appear to have less light than he really does if measured by the Apogee. Wasn't that the point of the criticisms of the Mike Kirda article?
Richard Harker
I would encourage readers to look at the Apogee review I wrote for Advanced Aquarist many years ago. It can be found at www.reefkeepers.info under the lighting section. It will provide additional information not found in your article.
I hope you'll take time to clarify some points of your interesting article:
I was surprised that you used a white bucket rather than a reef tank to compare the sensors. The bright curved sides of translucent white buckets can change the light field in ways quite different from a typical reef tank. How did you settle on using a bucket and what tests did you run to convince yourself that the results would be applicable to a reef tank?
Out of curiosity I did my own experiment. I measured light intensity from the perfect point source (the sun) in the open, and within a white and black bucket. At a time when the sun was overhead, I measured intensity of 1491 uE/m^2/sec with a flat terrestrial sensor. At the same time, my 4pi sensor measured 1490 uE in the black bucket and 3378 uE in the white bucket! That an increase of 127% just by using a white bucket!
Because of the high intensity in the white bucket I couldn't try the Apogee in the open sunlight. Taking the Apogee into the shade, it read 114% higher in the white bucket compared to the black bucket. That compares to just a 77% increase doing the same comparison with a flat terrestrial LiCor sensor. So the Apogee isn't acting like a flat or spherical sensor when it is in the white bucket.
In the article you argue without any supporting evidence that only down-welling light matters, "you'll probably want to obtain a sensor that measures only downwelling light." From a cost saving's standpoint, I would certainly agree. Spherical light sensors are considerably more expensive, but I can't think of another reason. Kirk (whom you cite) along with every other author I'm familiar with stress the importance of measuring the entire light field, not just direct light when measuring underwater light fields.
In my work I've found underwater light fields to be complex and unpredicitable. I have to agree with the scientific studies on the matter. A flat sensor will more often than not under-measure total integrated light. From the data I've collected, I've concluded that a real tank's light field can not be calculated using the inverse square rule, nor can it be characterized by measuring with a flat sensor-unless your reef tank is in a black bucket with black sand!
I've got additional methodological questions. In nearly all of the graphs the Apogee and LiCor numbers are equal at low intensities and then gradually diverge, in some cases dramatically. And these are fairly low light levels. As many tanks have much higher light levels, do you think the difference would be that much greater at more typical light levels? Do you have any idea why the Apogee progressively measures lower levels as the intensity increases? You don't touch on that in your conclusions.
You say the water depth was 18 cm and there are 6 data points on each graph. The X axis isn't labeled, so it isn't clear what is being measured. Can you clarify that? If the X axis is distance, I'd guess that each data point would be (maybe) 2 cm from one-another. Those are terribly small increments to have the lines diverge so quickly. There's no mention of how the distances were measured or controlled. Was the light raised? The bucket lowered? The bucket is a collimator if the light source is high up and less so as the light is lowered, so you are changing other characteristics of the light field as you change the intensity. Did you study that at all?
Your graphs show the AB 10K peaking at 160 uE while the old Coralife 20,000 K peaked at 400 uE. Are you suggesting that the Coralife creates that much more light than the AB bulb?
In your "worse-case" example, your 20,000K measurements in the electric light setting show the Apogee under-reporting light intensity by 23% at the highest intensity. This seems like a large difference and one that refutes the notion that Apogee measurements are interchangable with the LiCor. A hobbist with a lot of actinic light is going to appear to have less light than he really does if measured by the Apogee. Wasn't that the point of the criticisms of the Mike Kirda article?
Richard Harker