Your article in this month's issue seemed to just state what you've already stated in previous skimmer reviews in Aquarium Frontiers. A couple of other points I'd like to make.
1) Did you actually setup a Klaes skimmer on an aquarium? There's no mention of that in the article.
2) Klaes skimmers were available for many years from J.P. Burleson. Aquatic Dimensions took over the distribution when Burleson decided to get out of the business.
Aquarium Frontiers Article Index
Your article in this month's issue seemed to just state what you've already stated in previous skimmer reviews in Aquarium Frontiers. A couple of other points I'd like to make.
1) Did you actually setup a Klaes skimmer on an aquarium? There's no mention of that in the article.
Klaes skimmers have been around for well over a decade, and yet we are just beginning to see them on this side of The Pond.
2) Klaes skimmers were available for many years from J.P. Burleson. Aquatic Dimensions took over the distribution when Burleson decided to get out of the business.
Aquarium Frontiers Article Index