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Okay, I have 400 bucks to spend on a new skimmer, just the skimmer. I have enough pumps lying around that that is not an issue. I want a skimmer with the following qualities:

1. can handle 200 gallon overstocked tank. It must be able to handle a real 200 gallon tank, not the 200 gallons the company rates it for.

2. Easy setup. Connect the pump, set the water level and leave it alone from then on.

3. Compact size. It must be less than 26" to fit in my stand.

4. Great craftsmanship. I want a skimmer that is made of high quality materials.

5. Cutomer service. If that darn thing breaks, I want it replaced or fixed.

I am leaning towards an ETSS or AquaC brand skimmer, namely because all the other skimmers that have the same gallonage cost an arm and a leg (DAS, Euroreef, etc..).

Any and all comments and opinions are welcome. If you have used or are using a skimmer like I have described, let me know your experiences and if you have any pictures of your tank and skimmer available.

Thank you,



I don't know how you figure your costs.
A DAS BX-2 is rated at 700 gallons and costs 450 bucks. What ETSS or other skimmer can even come close for the same money?

Although I would put the DAS capacity at closer to 350-400 gallons it would still handle your tank easily. I have one and really am impressed by it so far. The build quality is not all that great though as some of the plastics are a little cheap. This does not stop the DAS from skimming the hell out of the water though.
It's also very quiet, unlike the ETSS models I have seen.



Their are 2 ets skimmer at MarineDepot for sale that are right around $400 or less, the Reef Devil III and the Reef Devil 750 Gemini.

The DAS 1&2 series skimmer are also in that price range, but they seem to be made of poorer quality materials. I have read threads on this board that mention the box of the BX series falls apart rather easily. I have also read that documentation and customer service are poor. What has your expereince been with the DAS skimmer? I would not have any objections to buying a DAS, but I am leary from the feedback these skimmer have.

I am leaning towards the AquaC skimmers. They look solid and I have seen pictures of their models in action. Also, their customer service seems to be top notch. I had emailed AquaC asking for details on the units and what retails stores carry them. Jason Kim got back to me in less than a day (most skimmer manufacturers take a week, if they ever contact me at all). He was very helpful and recommended quiet a few stores.

MarineDepot also sells the Precision Marine line of skimmers. Anyone have any comments and experience with them? I was looking at the CV626, it sells for under $250.



Well, I just ordered the ETS Gemini 800 with an Iwaki 55RLT to run it. I haven't set it up yet..not until summer but I just want to share with u that the ETS I got, eventhough it's 26" high, need to be elevated a few inches higher than the sump to operate efficiently. What this means is that I have to place it outside of my cabinet cuz my cabinet is only 26.5" tall and I have to take into account of taking the unit off to clean it every so often. I think placing it outside is best since u can clean it and collect the scum easier without bending your back..although it might not look good seeing that equipment hanging out there..hihihi. It goes on my 187 gallon tank...with the sump and all it'll be 200 gallon system for sure.
the cost of the ETS Gemini 800 at Marine Depot where i got it is 515 (with shipping included..free shipping). the pump is 219 ouch!!


Hi Lilgrasshopper,

What made you decide to go with the ETS skimmer? Did you compare it to any other type of skimmer, and what were your conclusions from the comparisons?



Although I haven't received mine yet, euro-reef skimmers are always held in high regard. Although the price always gets brought up in conversations like this one, it does really seem to fit the specs that you put forth. You might want to reconsider avoiding it on cost alone. One obvious complaint about these skimmers is the footprint, which can necessitate the need for a big sump.

I have heard some complaints about ETS as a company. People that use them seem to stand by them adamantly, but they one's I've seen are pretty loud and bulky. I don't care for them.



check out the precisionmarine bullet-2 skimmer. I don't think the CV 626 will work as the reaction chamber is 26" tall the whole skimmer is over 30". However the bullet-2 is tight, compact, and works great. Its a small version of the HSA-type skimmers, or a beefier version of the Aqua-C...however you want to look at it...its well constructed, fit into most peoples sump, and skims great. It like all these skimmer (except the Aqua-p)requirea more impressive pump. On a tank of this size a mak-4 iwaki40 type pump works the best, the smallest pump would be a sen900, but IMO its borderline. It should fit, and be right around your price range. Otherwise you can also think about a used MTC hsa1000


Hi Frank,

Thank for the information. I noticed MarineDepot sells the precision marine bullet series of skimmers. Unfortunately they do not have any pictures of these units. Do you know of any other MO company that sells these units and has pictures of them?

Do you have any ideas as to where I could find used hsa unit?

Thank you.


Too lazy to actually look up the phone numbers, but having said that: both euroreef and hsa skimmers can be made to customers size dimensions..i have seen both skimmers in operation and both are impressive..hsa customer service is probably the better of the 2 and it's quality is equal or better..my advice call the manufacturer tell them your dimension needs and get price quotes...we had a euroreef made specifically for my dentist's 350 gallon cylindrical reef



wow either cannot or will not show any moxy and build your own.
I would buy 6" diam pvc and surf the net and figure out which combo of designs I liked and I'd build the damm thing for $50 and some time and then buy better lights or add ozone or buy the girl some chocolate and a teddy and take her out on the town and get laid or something.


I would like you to understand that the Euroreef is the best bang for the buck. Yes, they do seem to be more expensive but they do come with the pump. The quality of the materials is superior. Once you get it set-up you will find it is almost a set and forget skimmer. I have had many different types of skimmers and can honestly say that the Euroreef has out performed them and is requires the least amount of maint. I did have a customer service issue regarding a pump one time and the company took care of it no problem at all. I had it back up in running in a few days thanks to their help. I hope this answers some of your questions. I also believe that their gallonage ratings are more accurate than others.

Jim Reid


Euroreefs are good but what maked me not buy one is you only can use it in sump and only can use a modified Sen pump or the other one I forgot the name. The Bullet 2 and Etss are more adaptable. www.precisionmarine.com/index.html web site for bullet2


The problem with short skimmers is...they're short. And you're talkin -real- short for a load that large. You can always pump in more water and air (look at an ETS 1800) but that will not compensate for a short skimmer.

So...what I would do is try to find the largest diameter skimmer you can. This at least will maximize reaction volume. An Aerofoamer 824 meets all your specs and has one of the largest reaction volumes available in a short skimmer. Worth serious consideration imo. I love my 830.

fwiw, imo, ime, ymmv, etc.


I had the AquaC EV-90 (for up to 90 gallons) on my 50 gal. reef.

I now have it on my 120 reef. It is still kicking ass and pulling out tons of dark green/black gunk.

I have been considering getting a bigger AquaC for the 120, either the EV-150 or the EV-200. But the perfomance of the EV-90 is so good on my 120 I'm wondering if I need to spend the money on a bigger one.

One thing for sure, unlike virtually every other brand I've seen, the AquaC definately handles the gallonage they say it does, and and as far as I can tell, they can handle more.

As for your other parameters, they are really well built, heavy duty and nice looking. Also, I simply plumbed the pump to it, and turned the pump on. No fiddling with the gate valve, no nothing. I came home from work less that 18 hours later to a ton of nice medium green stuff in the cup. That was months ago, so recently I tried adjusting the gate valve, and started to get stuff that looks like used oil from your car.

I'm sure either the EV-150 or 200 will fit under 26 inches.

All in all, it sounds like AquaC is exactly what your looking for.

In case you haven't seen it, their wedsite is www.proteinskimmer.com, and marine depopt sells them with free shipping at www.marinedepot.com.

No affiliation with anyone, whatsoever.



I like the looks of the aerofoamer also. I like the idea that you can get a 81/2 dia. At the AFM online in the archives it rates the aerofoamer as a cross between the Etss and HSA. But it's hard to get through and they don't return your e-mail. I sent a couple e-mails and went weeks without being answered. They said they had to get back to me because of the snow and are having tank emergancies? So I'm probaly gonna get a bullet 2. At least they answer my e-mail daily. Doesn't matter how good a product is if there isn't good customer service especially when they are so many skimmers that are equal in performance. I would go with customer satisfaction as well as performance.The Aqua C has a spray valve which you can't get to to clean. They said it won't clog but what is it does? The bullet looks more like a beefier version with a proven induction method. Beckett.


I can only say from experience of owning one.
Marine Technical Concepts> MTC as seen in fama.
check out http://www.marinetechnical.com/
good luck!!


[This message has been edited by surfinbill (edited 28 January 2000).]



I have the same skimmer setup that you just bought (ETS 800, Iwaki 55RLT) and I like it quite a bit. I think it was a good choice. It's been running fine for more than 2 years (maybe more than 3).

Randy Holmes-Farley


For me...it was a choice between the MTC HSA-250 and the DAS BX-1. I chose the DAS because I could get it quite a bit cheaper. And it came with a pump for that price.

I realy like the DAS. Mine seems to be very well made. I have some carbon sitting in the chamber and the bubbletrap foam pads really do work. This really is a plug-and-go type of skimmer.

I am very happy with it.



I would suggest checking with the folks at aquac - I had many of the same problems you listed and went with the aquac. Great skimmer with regards to performance, footprint and lots of help from the aquac guys.

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