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i have the knop and it works great, really pulls out the gunk fast. i don't know of any other so i can't make a comparison. i had a seaclone on the tank before and i'm happier with this one.


If you're going reef, you need a skimmer, don't let anyone tell you different.

I would say either will suffice for a 75g, but in terms of reputation and efficiency, I would go with the Berlin. A Knop is rated to 100g, a Berlin is rated to 250g. Price is a factor though, a HOB Berlin will cost 2x as the Knop

My wallet lies at the bottom of my reef. Along with my brain.


Considering purchasing either Knop or Berlin HOB for 75gal FO that am getting ready for reef. Any suggestions? Also, if Berlin, what pump? Tank is only two months old. Do I NEED a skimmer now?


Hang on knops can overflow. Mine did look at Aquarium Fronties on their product reveiw. It's a know design flaw for this skimmer.


The Knop comes standard with a Rio but upgrading to a Maxi-Jet 1200 with venturi kit transforms it into a great skimmer. Mine never overflowed with the Rio but could've if I hadn't kept my eye on it. Sometimes would just start producing wet foam
Since I switched to the Maxi, no more problems with excellent dry foam.
Premium Aquatics also carries a Precision Marine HOT-1 which appears to be a better built Knop clone and has an optional overflow cup for more $$.
I'm very satisfied with my Knop/Maxi-Jet but wouldn't have another one with a Rio.


My knop overflows with the maxi jet upgrade. It's in a sump now why put yourself through the hassle. I hate my knop.At least 75% of the people who have them do. The ones I heard from. Telling you it's a design error. See aquarium frontiers. You shouldn't have to modify something new out of the box. My knop couldn't handle my high load in my 55g so I have to run 2 skimmers. A 75g I belive is to big fo this skimmer if you have a high load.

[This message has been edited by Iron (edited 06 February 2000).]


I have a Knop HOB on my 55g reef. I am okay with it, but not thrilled by any means. It absoultely will overflow, produce tons of wet foam for no apparent reason, and is basically inconsistent as far as I can tell. When you get it just right, it skims very well, pulling out dark to medium gunk at about 2/3 a cup per day, day and a half. One more note, it is a real pain to get the cup off to dump and clean, so I have to use a turkey baster and empty it that way, then take a rag and clean out the inside of the tube. Good Luck,

God Bless,


Hey there. As a note, I have an Excalibur(same as Knop) and the collection cup is a real pain to get off. However, I greased the O-Ring with some O2 safe grease(non-petroleum based). Works like a charm(the grease, I mean). Check your local dive shop and ask them about it. BTW, the Knop does overflow and is really inconsistent as to how much gunk it pulls out. Have a good one.


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