You never miss your halides?
cause I do all the time
I feel like you even get an over all more stable coral too when grown under halide. I find corals are much more sensitive to even the slightest changes in water quality when under LED. I know we never want fluctuations in the stability of an SPS system but we all know things happen, it sucks even more when it happens and my tank is led lit. Only nice thing is you can turn down intensity till corals recover if you really stress them, but I feel corals are way more resilient under halide.
I know what can be done with halide or t5 and for tanks that matter that's my light of choice, but for my own experimentation I like to keep trying LED hoping I find a setup where I don't constantly compare it to the good ol 400 watt overdriven Radium.
Heck give me a iwasaki 65k with a bunch of actinic and I'm happier than any led I've used.
Radion, ghl, AI, maxspec...
I've seen the pratt reef tank when it was halide lit with some led reef brites and please understand there is no disrespect intended here, but, I feel it looked better and more natural than what I've seen recently with the Radion.
These conversations are good and not intended to insult or belittle anyone, we are all skilled reefers just trying to push the boundaries and have healthy happy corals.
For all I know I could be running my led incorrect as far as spectrum and intensity and have been completely frustrated with the most current one Im using, Mitras, but I will soon try a G4 and see for myself.