I will be running dual reactors on my 80g Deep Blue Frag RR Tank w 30g Custom King sump, with GFO in one and Carbon in the other. My question is, would it be overkill or counterproductive to also run a bio pellet reactor?
I was running only bio pellets for about 1.5 mos, in that time I noticed a steady reduction of nitrates and phosphates. I was very happy w the results. I sold my biopellet reactor only because it was too big physically for my sump. I currently have carbon in a bag in my return pump chamber and am not currently running gfo. Like I said before, in installing brs dual chamber reactors, to keep things neat and I was very happy with the results I got from running biopellets, so I'll likely add on a small reef octopus or innovative marine biopellet reactor along with the carbon and GFO. Any reviews for a compact/quality BP reactor? I like the Innovative Marine MiniMax... Thoughts?