gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Hey MR,

I have a BRS 4 stage 75 gpd unit.

I have the color changing DI resin. The bottom quarter of the resin has changed to that yellow color but the rest is still black and I'm still getting 0tds out of the machine. I already ordered replacement filters and resin just was wondering if/when I should change it?

Do I change it now since some of it changed colors or do I wait until I see a change in the TDS?



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You don't need to change the resin until it is all discolored. The prefilters I try to change every 6 months or so. The RO membrane only needs to be changed every 2 years or so. If you see that the resin is changing quickly, it might mean that your membrane is not working that well anymore and so the resin has to work harder to remove more TDS from the less pure water.


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You don't need to change the resin until it is all discolored. The prefilters I try to change every 6 months or so. The RO membrane only needs to be changed every 2 years or so. If you see that the resin is changing quickly, it might mean that your membrane is not working that well anymore and so the resin has to work harder to remove more TDS from the less pure water.

Ok thanks. I'll attach a picture when I get home. It's been a little while it hasn't changed that quickly.


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Making some more water for my top off container. Figured id snap a photo. Here's what she looks like now


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Staten Island
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Making some more water for my top off container. Figured id snap a photo. Here's what she looks like now

Tommy, When your making water on your (in) mode what does your TDS read? i always Read 0-1ppm on the (IN) on the out i get (0) . just wanted to know if its only me. lol

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