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Sir reef-A-lot
United States
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A freak in snail got caught in my mp and the pump starting acting nuts...I yanked then power cord...then tried to restart it...but it then kept blinking thru all the colors but wont start..none of the buttons seem to work..what's wrong? Any helps would be greatly appreciated.


Sir reef-A-lot
United States
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OK..none of the buttons are responding.know it blinks grn and red..I called.iT's an error a take the motor and propeller apart and see if there's any damage...i try to start.the motor away.from the propeller....if all can be a motor issue..I Dont even know if its still under warranty..six...I'll troubleshoot it tonight..


Sir reef-A-lot
United States
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I called eco tech..they weren't too helpful unfortunately..just kept telling men to send it in.the person i bought it from had it updated to a new driver..and the new driver has a new manufacturing date so they can't tracking the one yr warranty still applies..and incan find the seller here on mr..he I out of the hobby.

On a brighter side...I finally started trouble shooting...the motor runs fine..its when I place the wet side on the motor blinks all colors (error code). When I bring the wet half close...I see the propeller moving.mbut as soon as it makes contact, it stops. I use a piece of cardboard n.the middle to act as the glass plate. When I first disassembled the wet side, I noticed the propeller was tough to get out.eventually the prop pin broke so I need a new part..but nonetheless the issue is the same. As soon as the wet side.meets the motor, it shuts down and error code appears...

Any thoughts? ..if nothing works..I'm going to have to probably get an entire wetside assembly....I'm hoping someone can shed some light and perhaps its just one part I have to order..that may have been overlooked.


Sir reef-A-lot
United States
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Sounds like the propeller seized on to the shaft. Common when a snail gets in there.
It happened to mine. Got a rebuild kit and it was fixed.

That's it..the prop was seized...rather than buying a complete wet side ($100) can I just purchase the needed part or parts? When buying your repair kit..what was the actual repair? Eco tech sells each individual item down to the nut...


Advanced Reefer
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rebuild the the wet side, you can order a rebuild kit comes with shaft and propellor and other parts, also order ceramic bushing its not part of the kit. drs foster has it about $25.00. very simple to rebuild.


Mt Sinai, NY
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That's it..the prop was seized...rather than buying a complete wet side ($100) can I just purchase the needed part or parts? When buying your repair kit..what was the actual repair? Eco tech sells each individual item down to the nut...

They sold me it as a kit. Was about $25. Prop, shaft, nut. Also, make sure u have the thin translucent washer that goes between the magnet and backing plate. It's easily lost

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