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Experienced Reefer
Staten Island
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Hey guys,

Looking into getting a controller for my tank. I was introduced to the apex controller today which I thought was great, but I also want a controller that tests my water quality. Do they even make one? If so, does anyone have any info or could steer me in the right direction?



Senior Member
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I think all the controllers have optional addons in some way to check your temp, PH, ORP, salinity and one or two other things. Thats about the best you will get out of any of them. The base units usually are able to test temp, PH and ORP and you need to buy probes for each ontop of the base unit. They have additional modules for salinity.

Apex right now is probably the best, second is the Reefkeeper system. Those are the two that everyone pretty much uses.


Old School Reefer
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As T said, there aren't any controllers that check beyond temp, pH, ORP and salinity. You won't find any that do ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, mg, ca, alk. Just not happening at least at the hobbiest level.

The Apex is a great unit. Not only is it reliable, and very versatile, but the company, Neptune, is extremely customer service oriented. You shouldn't have trouble if you need to reach them.

Best of luck,


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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Before buying my Apex Jr, I did tons of research on controllers. Most folks will swear by the Apex line. Functionality, reliability, and customer service are all very highly rated.

If you have the cash and are able/willing to learn how to program, the Profilux is said to be more reliable (slightly, anyway) than the Apex. Profilux was well out of my price range. IMO I don't think the Profilux is worth the extra money, and I haven't heard many issues with Apex controllers.

Most will steer you away from the Reef Keeper line. I've had a reef keeper lite for a few years now with no issues, but I have no add-on modules and its functionality is limited. Lots of folks complain of dreadful customer service and issues with their Reek Keeper Elites and Lites. Apex IMO is much, much better than the Reef Keeper.

If you are good at computer programming there is also the Reef Angel. I'm NOT and have little patience for that sort of thing, so I didn't read much into that controller. People seem to like them, though.


Bay Ridge, BK
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Can only speak to the two I own. The Reefkeeper and the Apex. Apex is superior in every way and Neptune makes me trust them more as a company. Digital Aquatics is a bit shady with their communication. Neptune is on par with Ecotech if you have ever had the pleasure of dealing with their customer service.


Advanced Reefer
Bellmore, NY
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Wow, a thread about controllers and I'm not the first to mention ReefAngel!

For those non-technically inclined it does have a wizard that can do most everything one would want.

If you decide to get more advanced you have a great starting point and an active forum. The platform is improving on a daily basis with lots of development and support available.

If you have any questions on capabilities and functionality, feel free to PM me.
Newburgh, NY
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I won't discuss the pro/ cons of other controllers as I have no experience with them. About 6 years ago I decided to go with the Proflux Controller. Pricey, even back then, I know. But after looking at other systems I'll explain my decision. Ghl, the company that makes the Profilux is a German company. Their focus was/is to make a reliable unit and I would have to say it is. But what I liked most was the fact that the controller is upgradeable. At the time, other companies had units available that were 2nd or 3rd gen but new designs over previous versions that left current owners with the choice of keeping what they had or having to buy the new unit. So even if it is a larger upfront cost I knew I wouldn't be left with an outdated controller.
The design was very compact. All the different modules just slide into the mother board and can be done buy most. Multiple probes for temp., ORP, salinity, ph, etc. And since I purchased my unit they have also offered an expansion box that can be connected using telephone like cable. Allowing tanks in different rooms on different floors to all be monitored and controlled by the Profilux. Remote Touch screen control is also now available too. Dosing units - I have two in separate areas for two different systems. Co2 control. Light control. Level control. Top-off and water change features. And free software to change or adjust anything the system does.
Now I will admit the programming can be taxing, but I'm no programmer either ! Their online support and forums are great with many helpful folks there.
Matthias, the owner of Ghl has always been open to suggestions from end users. Aqua Illumination and Ecotech integration to mention a few. Constant software and firmware upgrades. And what ever he releases has been thoroughly test before released. Those Germans LOL !:biggrin: Again, I know it was a little pricey but I though well worth it in the long run! God luck, Neil.
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Newburgh, NY
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Most companies stay away from mac compatible software, Their reason is cost too much for too little a market. Don't know where they have been, don't they realize the Mac/ Apple market share has been on the rise! Anyway, you can us software, like Parallels, on you mac to run a PC program. That is how I use my profilux software.


Advanced Reefer
Bellmore, NY
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ReefAngel uses the web portal and Arduino software which work great on the Mac. Theres a java status app and the wifi config module which all work on the mac. The only thing its missing between the PC is the client which provides extended graphic and alerting (which is also available in the portal). There is also (unaffilliated) that I use for 30 day graphs. That site is also RK and Apex compatible.


Advanced Reefer
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I love my reef angel!
I had the reef keeper years ago and it served its purpose ..
My RA . Well service is amazing . I couldn't be any happier .. I would recommend 100%.

Btw I use a Mac and a Pc with no problems at all!
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