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Experienced Reefer
Greenwich, CT
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I need to get the cooling fan on the back of my Sfiligoi ACLS electronic ballast either serviced or replaced. As you know, Sfiligoi support in the USA is almost non-existent. Does anyone have any ideas? I've already contacted Aquarium Specialty and Aquatic Elite (Canada) without a response as of yet. Are these fans of the common variety and available at, say, Radio Shack and such or are they unique to Sfiligoi and impossible to locate otherwise?


Junior Member
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I have two 400 watt ACLS not in use if you would like to purchase one for parts. LMK. I like the hood, hated the ballasts!

Good luck


Experienced Reefer
Greenwich, CT
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I just might take you up on that if they're in good working order. I'd still like to hook up with someone or someplace that can service them though. In the meantime, I'll shoot you a PM later this evening.


OG Member
New York
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No fan is proprietary, but may or may not be user servicable. The fan is just 2 wires either plug and play or soldered on to terminals. You would have to open the ACLS up and look at the setup and also the model number of the fan for replacement and dimensions. Sometimes it is simple and sometimes it is a pain in the ass.



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