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Advanced Reefer
Hamilton, NJ
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Hi. I'm currently running an APEX controller on my 210 gallon reef with three Apollo Reef LEDs lighting it. I'm trying to program the lights so that the actinics ramp up to 80% at it's max and the whites ramp up to about 75% max. I understand the If...Then programming but am not sure on how to program the ramping up and down of the lights. Does anyone have experience with this? Can you post your program on this post? Thanks for the help.


Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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The Base Modual of the Apex Controller has two ports on the right side of the Controller Bus V1/V2 and V3/V4. You would need the optional Apex 2 Channel Apex to Light Dimming Cable.
yes the base apex has two ports .... but you can use ethernet cable 8 wire instead of buying another cable. i had done this to run my two eln's for my display refuge.

first you need to make 4 profiles. going to give you mine for example:
white up
white down
blue up
blue down
you need to make these in profile setup and choose CONTROL TYPE : RAMP

for each one ... enter your settings as you stated above. make sure you save them. next enter outlet setup.
i used (base_Var3) for my whites and (base_Var4) for my blues.

then enter your time code for each:

If Time 21:00 to 22:00 Then white up
If Time 22:00 to 07:00 Then ON
If Time 07:00 to 08:00 Then white down

obviously this is for my refuge so the lighting is opposite of dt.
hope this helps.

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