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Well, I went ahead and did it. I liked the look of the kit so I'm ordering it tomorrow. Have read good reviews on their RSM130D kits so I figured the 250's kit should be just as good. Anyway here's the kit I'm ordering. It can be wired in to the RSM timers and I'm going to order the dual channel dimming kit:

I'm going to call tomorrow and ask them if the LED's are Cree or Bridgelux or what they are, just to help with the final decision.


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Sound Beach,LI
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Don't do it man! Lol I see so many people selling their led units. I'm still not sold on the whole led craze. Ill stick with T5s. Good luck with them. Just make sure you keep all the old parts so you can switch back when you get tired of the leds!


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Go to Rapid LED and talk to Mike. They are great... They will work with you to get you everything you need good prices and AWESOME service....


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LOL fishman- I hear ya and I'm not sold 100% either but I want to give them a shot. I'm going to keep the T5 fixture, I just don't want to ever not try something I'm curious about is all.

Bio- I was going with this one because it's a one solid piece type of kit. I dont want to put in a kit that's multiple pieces- the more pieces you have to mount separately, the harder it is to change back due to removal of stuff it is to do to restore it back to stock.

Greybolt. I am going to do it, just a matter of what kit is all.


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Just got off the phone with modular- they returned my call in a little under 2 hours.

They use Cree LED's, so I ordered it as well as the dual channel dimming kit with black knobs. I'm going to bypass the RSM timer and go with 2 plugs into my Apex(sheesh means I have to program it now lol) so the actinics and daylights can be separate.

I'll post updates when they arrive and when I get them in service. I'll admit it's going to be fun wiring this kit up while trying to prevent 2 crazy boxer pups from eating my wire nuts!!! LOL


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Good luck with the upgrade Jimmy. Can't wait to see pics of the build and the after build.


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LED's came today. Here is the unboxing. I'll have update pics as I build them and then when they're done:



What's better than a nice LED kit? A nice LED kit that comes with a chocolate bar??? Not really sure why but hey, whatever floats their boat








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