Hello everyone yesterday while looking at my tank the lights went off when they shouldn't have so I looked at the apex unit and the display was frozen. I could not access anything so I unplugged the display and plugged it back in now it does not light up. Only 2 of the outlets work which is weird and I can not access the web control with the ethernet cable using
http://apex. I have sent neptune an email but have not received a response from them yet. Is there anyway to reboot the apex unit since I figure the firmware has been corrupted.
Something similar happened to me. I spoke to neptune and they send me this e-mail. hope this helps...
I'm sorry to hear you are having trouble with your Apex system. I can understand how frustrating this can be and I hope to resolve this matter for you quickly and efficiently. Are you able to see the Apex on the network at all? Through the Apex flash utility that is included on the CD or found on our website here:
Flashing orange light means either your firmware and/or current configuration may have been corrupted. I would attempt to reflash the firmware to the unit in boot loader mode. A hardwired connection between computer to router and router to Apex is required. Follow this procedure:
Power your Apex off
Restart your computer in Windows safe mode with networking
Turn off any virus or firewall software
Open flash utility
In the Network address put something similar to your default gateway (router) IP address
For example, if you default gateway is then make the network address
Click update firmware
After failed attempt 1 plug your Apex in
Apex and computer should make a handshake at this time, if not try to power cycle your base unit again
Update the web pages after the firmware update.
If you are unable to accomplish the firmware update, then there are further trouble shooting options. Please let me know how it goes.
Thank you,