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Junior Reefer
North Bergen NJ
I have a 1" rock covered with a bright pink sponge and small red mushroom for someone that likes to have sponges growing in there tanks.
pic will be posted once I am able to get a good shot of it.

Heres the rules:
1. You must offer a frag of another color sponge frag/ rock/ etc once you have picked up the frag from me.
2. You must pick it up from me.
3. Once you see that the sponge has seeded itself in your tank offer the/ or a piece of the sponge to another person.
3. If I lose this color sponge in my tank and need to seed it again an offer of a frag must be given back.
4. You must offer all future frags of this coral as MR DBTC and require all to whom you give it, to do the same.
5. All posts have to remain on this thread and picture updates

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