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PADI Dive Inst
New York
I have a GBTA that recently split. The original nem was almost a foot across and I believe they split due to a power outage caused by Irene.
The nems also lost a lot of color but they is recovering nicely.

Im giving one of them away because as they recover they will get pretty large and it will start to interfere with my other corals. I have had the original nem for 2 years and fed mostly fresh scallop and squid.

This will not be offered to any new reefers due to the demands of a recovering nem. I would like someone who can confirm they will be able to meet as I will be removing this for that meeting and do not want to deal with having to replace in the tank.
I live in Westbury Long Island and can meet someone in the local area.

I can post a pic later this afternoon.

Thank you,
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that will be one lucky person, I didnt have much luck with my 1st nem but then again that was because i hadnt found any forums at that point and was still listening to the lfs...stupid but hey it happened to mostly everyone...I dont think me or my tank would be ready for a nem yet especially one in a recovering condition just thought Id put it out there that its a very nice offer

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