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Edison, NJ
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y return pump just broke and i have to replace it with another. I want to look for a energy efficient pump. Below are the specs of my setup.

Here is a picture of the pump to give you an idea of how it is setup currently.


I have a 1.5" line running from the pump to the display tank and 1" line for overflow line back to the sump. Now that I am in the midst of replacing the pump, I would like to know what else I can do at this time to plan for future.

1) The current pump is rated at 1400 gph and it is overpowered and some water is returned back to the sump as you can see in the picture. If I decide to go for a different pump that if it is overpowered that the current one, then what is the best way to throttle the power?

2) The current pump has an inlet of 1" and outlet of 1". If I settle in for a different pump (low wattage/more efficient) and if that pump has a higher inlet/outlet then how will it affect my current set up?



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If you decide to get a bigger pump use a ball valve on the output end to controll the water flow.I have a Iwaki 55 which is about 1100 gph,Mak 4 which is about 1100 gph with more head pressure and a little giant mdqx 3.1000 gph for circulation only.


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I noticed you have a lot of equipment for sps corals and no light fixture.What are you plan on keeping?

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