Okay so I have my sump all planned out. Thanks again. I'm looking for some input on my plumbing to streamline my setup and reduce the amout of powerheads I need.
How well will it work if I plumb my UV sterilizer off of my overflow to the sump. I will have a a side 90 (
http://pvcfittings.com/graphics/SideOutlet90s.jpg), splitting with one going direct to the sump and the other through the UV to the sump. I will have ball valves for flow control.
Also looking to do the same with my mag5 return branching it off to the display and one to my PO4 reactor. Ball valves will be used for flow control to the reactor.
I think it sounds like a solid idea and I'm pretty sure I've seen similar ways of doing this through pics. Hopefully I can get some feedback before I start so I don't have to start sniffing the pvc cement to make myself feel better when all goes wrong.