Post if you can attend during the day or the evening or either. 751 main ave in passaic, table saw, router, drill and dremel on hand.Dave please tell me you can make it on august the 9th (i need my skimmer!!!).we could take a look at how spykes made the little tunze style powerheads, practice drilling glass with a dremel and routing acrylic.if anyone has any skills they would like to share i.e. woodworking,electronics etc... please post, maybe we could plan this thing out finally and a few future ones.all we need is the people with the know-how to show up and the rest will follow. it's not hard to get there, take a half hour bus ride from the port authority and you're there, better yet if you have a friend with a car ask for a ride.i have room for 2 definitely in my car maybe up to four.
let's see if it works this time......
let's see if it works this time......