I decided to give a new twist for a needlewheel mesh mod for a Sedra 3500 attached to a Euroreef 100 Skimmer. I added two layers of mesh mod to the needlewheel. It would only allow me to do two layers due to the needles taking up space to allow a third layer. The mesh had to be pushed down between the needles and sewn down tight. I drilled about 10, 1/16" holes between the needles on the wheel to secure the mesh with 12lb test fishing line using a #26 needle. Only after ten minutes I like the results much better than a regular mesh mod producing a finer micro bubbles and a dry foam skimmate. Nice part is if you don't like the results then cut the fishing line and remove the mesh. I had to give it a try.
One layer
Two layers
Mico bubbles, tho tough to see a difference here
Dry skimmate after 10 minutes
One layer
Two layers
Mico bubbles, tho tough to see a difference here
Dry skimmate after 10 minutes