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Advanced Reefer
paoli, pa
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ok...i picked up a 55 gallon plastic drum i got for free from a place that makes fruit based substances for yogurt and pastries..etc.
i'll be using this as a water storage container.
the container i have had blueberry flavoring in it. it mentions on the label that it contains "natural blueberry flavor- water glycerin, ethanol, and food gums"
it also states that it contains no allergens and that the FDA recognizes this as safe(GRAS) on the FEMA GRAS list.

it still has the blueberry smell, though it is lessening by the day.
my question is:
can this leach anything into my water? is it possible that there is sugars absorbed into the plastic that would fuel algae?
should i wait a couple more weeks until i don't smell anything?


Advanced Reefer
Upstate NY
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Food grade plastic containers are normally safe for reefing use so it should be fine IMO. I'm sure it goes without saying that you should at least flush it well with clean water first.:wink:

If you want to sterilize it you could fill it with clean tapwater with a bit of bleach added and let it stand for a day - then rinse well (until there is no ammonia smell).



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Until there is no chlorine smell, that is.

I won't bother with it, FWIW. The drum is perfectly fine to use with regular washing of tap water.

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