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I am working on a moon setup, and I was wondering if anyone knew how to gradually bring the intensity of the LED's up from completely off to completely on over a certain interval? From what I gather, this would be constant voltage with varying current. Is there anything out there that'll do anything like that? I can't find anything. Any help would be awesome. Thanks!



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I've thought about the same thing. It wouldn't be a hard circuit to design. I'll see if a couple of EE friends can come up with it.



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Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I started to design it, and it's a little rougher than I thought.... but I should be able to get it. Disregard the post I guess, I was just looking for an off-the-shelf item. :)



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I know they make this type of product for fluorescents, but you'll probably have to DIY it for LEDs.

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