So I took my 29g to the LFS to get a bulkhead drilled into it. I had voiced my concerns as to the location of the hole, because there were some issues of structural supports in my prefab stand. I needed at least a 1 1/2" clearance from the back of the tank so I wouldn't have to compromise the integrity of the stand. Much to my chagrin, my attention was elsewhere when he started to drill out the tank. He placed the hole about 4" from the back wall. Needless to say, on a 29g that's only 12" deep, that's a BFD.
So, now my standpipe is WAAAAAY out from the back wall, meaning no overflow box for me. As I understand it, this would eliminate the Durso mod for use (?). Would the stockman mod be suitable for this type of situation? Otherwise, I'll be left with a plain standpipe with some Grate Guard (or similar mesh type material) serving as a screen. This, I know, will give me that same sound we all know and love.
Could this be solved in the sump perhaps? I've seen people use different combinations of Ls and Ts to slow the flow and minimize the sound. This might be difficult, but not impossible for me because my sump is small, only 10g.
I tend to be longwinded, so in summation:
No corner overflow. Standpipe. Durso, Stockman, or sump solution?
So, now my standpipe is WAAAAAY out from the back wall, meaning no overflow box for me. As I understand it, this would eliminate the Durso mod for use (?). Would the stockman mod be suitable for this type of situation? Otherwise, I'll be left with a plain standpipe with some Grate Guard (or similar mesh type material) serving as a screen. This, I know, will give me that same sound we all know and love.
Could this be solved in the sump perhaps? I've seen people use different combinations of Ls and Ts to slow the flow and minimize the sound. This might be difficult, but not impossible for me because my sump is small, only 10g.
I tend to be longwinded, so in summation:
No corner overflow. Standpipe. Durso, Stockman, or sump solution?