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I need a recomendation, need to know what paint to use to paint the background of a glass tank...Wonder if there is one that is safe and can resist humidity


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Most everyone on the GD board says just use rustoleum painting the outside of the tank with light coats. I use the mylar backgrounds from petsmart etc, ecxept I just use blue not the stupid corral pattern


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If you want a truly great look on the back of your tank you can spray paint it with that textured paint that people use to get a marble look. They sell it at Walmart even. It can get expensive to do a large surface, but because of its nature and the way it dries you can just put on a couple coats, then paint over it with black rustoleum. It really lends the tank alot more "depth" and looks great. It comes in colors, some of this are light and sand colored to blend in. It's still cheaper than those plastic backgrounds, which I hate due to the salt creep, but I read an article about someone squeegeeing vegetable oil between the glass and background to get a tight seal, then taped the edges really well, and the pictures did look great. Hope that helps, good luck



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I used a plain flat black spray paint. I used lots of newspaper and masking tape to cover the sides and top of the tank. The paint dried quicky and I sprayed sevral coats.


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