why dont you do this... grab a manager and ask them to call up different locations in the area and the area around there and find out who stocks those 2 items.... remember retail is 100% customer service they have to help you out :biggrin:
or call up home depot headquarters and act really annoyed that you cant find those 2 items at any homedepot in your area... they look on there computer and actually might even send you a coupon to use at the store because you are so distressed
I'm sure the latest storm is going to make finding them even harder. Sometimes you get lucky in Eckerd or CVS, the ones around here carry Prestone Heat.
In case you don't know
There's one in Stamford - Karps on hope street and And one in Port Chester - Fiensod on Main street. They are both Ace. good luck
thanks kathy. i totally forgot to try ace. I'll give them a shot
manny...i think i'm going to take a trip down to your town this weekend. I'm on a mission to find these items.
autoponicz....thought about buying from that site as a last ditch measure. if i can find it in a store it would be about $13 for a 50 lb bag of each. MUCH cheaper and no shipping.
? i know its been mentioned to use the flakes....but dox also makes the pellets (calcium chloride) is there any difference...or which one is better to use cause I have a big zip lock bag of both and im using the flakes for now...but when i run out should i use the pellets...