I got a six line wrasse . neon dottyback & yellow tang. If i get a purple tang & another yellow tang would they school? Could this work? Im also thinking of getting a regal & blonde naso.should I do this in some type of order.
6 line and dottyback can both get aggressive, so think about removing those 2...
How big is your tank? Yellows with purples need a lot of room... Even more if you're thinking about 4 or 5 tangs
Six lines are not always aggressive I have had 2 and never an issue with them. As for the question asked ,NO they will not school together. Fish of the same species can school but usually need a lot of room to do so unless they are very small. Firefish and cardinals are examples of small fish that school
6 line and dottyback can both get aggressive, so think about removing those 2...
How big is your tank? Yellows with purples need a lot of room... Even more if you're thinking about 4 or 5 tangs
Yes I see what u saying about the six & dottyback . The dotty back I got him about 4 days ago.. his pretty small the six is alittle bigger then him . The six darts at him the dotty has been scared past two days now dotty stands up to him & actually darts at him sometimes I'm surprised cause the dotty back is so little