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Corals Kingdom

Experienced Reefer
Ready for some Awesome Surprise ? When we offer Mystery Boxes, they generally come with BIG discounts. The average savings on these boxes is around 40%, although one option does provide a >50% discount. We will make sure that we will make WOW when you open your box.

we offer 3 tiers of Boxes

Tier #1 MYSTERY CORAL BOX PACK 10 Frag ( Mix Of Euphyllia, Zoa, mushrooms and Hard Coral ) $350 With Free Shipping TOO )

Tier #2 EUPHYLLIA MYSTERY BOX PACK ( Torhcs, Hammer , Fragsspwan and octospwan)
$600 Shipped


Tier # 3 MEGA MYSTERY BOX PACK 15 Ultra Nice Corals ( can Zoa, mushrooms , Fovia ,trachy, Torchs , Hammers and more )
$800 shipped


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