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I have two duncan frags and no matter what light/flow i tried (i'm pretty sure i've tried them all) i can't get them to consistently open. Both had bright green bases and are now bleached. What am I doing wrong?
I've had one for 2 months and the other for a few weeks.
-I move them every 3 or 4 days if they are showing no signs of opening, but if they open a little i will leave them for longer, however that only lasts for a day or two and then they completely close up for days.
-I do not feed them because my cleaner shrimp rips the food out of them and has damaged other corals when this happens. Tried to get him out but he is too quick.
-Alk and PH i have not tested for in a while
-Regarding the nitrates. I had an issue with the trates. I don't know if Awibrandy remembers, but she replied to my post about my nitrates being 160ppm. I got some livesand from a friend that became agitated and was leaching nitrates. After thoroughly stirring sand and siphoning out the detritus and repeating this rinsing process until the the water no longer was cloudy. That was was first adventure with nitrates... after that, I was doing everything wrong that is possible plus there was a little surprise in my back chamber. Long story short trates were over 80 ppm for a while even after my rinsing of the sand and by correcting my mistakes and doing a lot of WC they are down to 20. Here is the link if you would like to find out the second adventure with nitrates:
I agree with Del!! Stop moving them so much, let them stay put at least 2 weeks to give them a chance to get comfortable.
You need to feed them. You can try what others are doing which is they cut the bottom off of a bottle, and put it over the coral, and put the food in there for the coral.
I over feed my reef to insure that all the corals get food. I just step up maintenance in order to keep from polluting my reef. Meaning more larger w/c (weekly 20%), and run gfo & carbon periodicaly.
I'll go read your other thread to catch up on your other trates adventure.
Wow thanks everyone for the input. What is the consensus on placement regarding amount of light and flow? I'm going to move them tonight and then not touch them for a while and see if that helps.
Besides my cleaner shrimp being overly aggressive, I haven't been feeding my corals because one of the reasons my nitrates were so high was because I was overfeeding. I wanted to get my nitrates down pretty low before I started loading the tank up again when feeding the corals. Currently, when I feed every other day I will blow the mysis or brine "mist" (smaller pieces of shrimp and cloudy liquid that come about when defrosted) at a few corals at a time. The cleaner immediately jumps on each coral, but there isn't really much for him to grab and eat so he loses interest quickly.
When feeding like this the duncans don't seem to be getting any food like my acans and others do.