I think they have the same requirements(Duncan, Dendro, Sun coral), with the exception that Sun Coral doesnt really open in lights, unless trained to by day time feedings
i have suns... my suns open during the day as well as night. i have my feedings on a schedule so ... when i either feed the tank or just spot feed the corals they know when to come out. from what i have seen also is that the sun has deeper more orange color. the dendros seem more clearer to paler yellow. the key is to feed everyday and keep them on the bottom of the tank.
the difference is that duncans don't ever need to be fed. they are photosynthetic. dendros are not photosynthetic and will stay open in the day, and need spot feeding.
sun corals have to be trained to open during the light cycle, by feeding during this time, but generally, only come out at night. dendros can be alot larger polyps, than sun corals also.
Duncans dont need to be fed? This is the first time ive ever heard that...Do you have some that have survived in a tank without any food? Keep in mind they may catch what they need when you feed your fish.
If you look at it nothing in our tanks need spot feeding in my opinion as long as you have a snow storm of food going on as I do.LOL
But I still spot feed my dendros, suncorals, duncans, blastos, gorgies, acans, so on & so on. By spot feeding I do not mean I put food in each mouth.:tongue1: What I do is I deliberately spray extra food right on them.
I do this to insure that they do get their share, and further insure their health.
I've been feeding my Duncans and Dendro a homemade ground up mix of clam, shrimp, squid, and garlic every couple of days. They eat like pigs. I've only had them for a couple of months, but they seem to growing and thriving.