any fish picking at it?
i use to have that problem, i found out that my hippo was picking at it making it close. i moved it over to my frag tank and now it opens on a daily bases
Hey Eric, I have the same problem but figured out a way to slowly but surely lure him out .The first night I put in it was fully open but not long .I thought flow & light was to much so I moved to 4 or 5 different places with no results .I placed half under a overhang so little direct light .The trick is to hang mysis shrimp with a turkey baster or syringe.when it smells the juice it will open .go slow and focus on target feeding till it's use to your tank.I grabbed one polyp from Aquatic express (Alex) and noticed it had more than one organism on it .It thrived on my water quality so much that theres another one growing and is open all the time .it a one inch piece with dig this ,A clam embedded in the stalk ,two colorful feather dusters that are tiny and now a new dendro almost the size as original .Keep hanging little morsels in it's tenticals without scaring it closed and low light along with medium to low flow and see what it likes.....GOOD LUCK