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Calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium are you basic 3 that will keep your acros growing IF your phosphates are kept very low and overall water quality is kept high. This is assuming you have the proper lighting + flow.
Additives such as strontium, fluoride, iodine, various trace element solutions won't hurt. I add some of them from time to time but I can't really say that I have seen an increase in growth. The one thing I can tell you is if your Cal, Alk, and MG is off you will see a decrease in growth.


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well as long as you can test for calcium, alkalinity, magnesium and keep those stable you should be ok with acros . also keep your other parameters in check and close to zero(phosphates, nitrates, ammonia,PH). but you shouldn't dose those things if you cant measure them though


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New York
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Uhhh why is this in the for sale/trade forum?
Anywho alkalinity is the other thing they need in the water. And light!

just to clarify, alkalinity is not really a substance that you add to the water like calcium or any other element but rather a measurement of the ability of the water to resist changes in ph. thus, dont start throwing B-Ionic Part 1 into your tank if your alk tests low as that will really screw you...

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