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No More Room :-(
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Okay so I got a kenya tree frag from a member here... it is doing well, has grown in size and seems all around happy. My question is this...

Is this thing going to drop lil' trees all over my tank. Already I have spotted two new tiny ones in different places in my tank.

Now typically if something splits.. I would assume it isn't happy with it's placement or parameters are off and is doing so to fight off dying. Kind of like a survival method.. but I am not sure if this also is the case with this darn Kenya Tree.

I like it, but I don't like it enough for it to be popping up everywhere. I want the gosh darn thing to stay where I put it. Or I will move it to another location if that will help this to stop. If not... it has to go.

Is it typical for these things to just split/drop new ones at random?

My parameters last I checked which was Friday were all good and all the other corals are fine, happy and loving life on our lil' corner of the reef. This thing though... grrr. :irked: Why is it doing this to me???


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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That is just what Kenya trees do.;) Although the one in my 20g is behaving itself. It so happens to be the frag of the one that use to be in my 155.;) Good luck with it. By the way, the one in the 20 is sitting in the sand bed being totaly ignored.


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I'm pulling out baby trees on a weekly basis. If you get them mounted on a piece of rubble and let them grow to about 2-3 inches some LFSs will take them and give you a little store credit or a price break if you purchase something.


Pretzel in Orange M&M
staten island
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If it grows that quickly ,then you must be feeding pretty well. It doesn't take much for that coral to bloom,reproduce or grow quickly. Thats why its a great beginner coral.


Advanced Reefer
New York
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i sold off my kenya tree colony quite some time ago and i still have them growing everywhere. i keep pulling little ones out of my refugium all the time


No More Room :-(
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:splitspin Oh joy! lol!! I am happy with everyone else growing nicely, though I must say I'd be more than happy if the Kenya Tree suffered a bit. :tongue1: I guess I will see what happens... how many more that we end up with... before my nerves are shot and I have to say bye bye to KT.

Though I see that happening sooner rather than later. I like it... but not enough to look in and see a tree in every area of the tank. :lol:


Guns, Razors, Knives.
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i have a 90g and i cant get rid of them. I would personally, NEVER keep them again or advise anyone to do so. yeah its cute with 3-4 babies, but once its big and is dropping like 10 or more a week... you will never stop it.

I sold the mother colony and still have them popping up all the time in hard to get places 4 months later.


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A MR member gave me a kenya tree when i started my hobby, then it grew into a monster then it started dropping little trees over the sandbed which eventually took over my tank and became a forest. So I decided to just rid the kenya tree and I cut it at the stem - BAM, I left a little left and it grew another tree. - So i decided to grow these in fuge LOL (now, its a slow grower).

try not to give it too much light/flow so it slows down, but its a indestructible coral.

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