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New York, NY
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I purchased this leather about a month ago. He did not come on a plug or rock, so I glued him on one that looked like a perfect fit. He took what seemed like a good 2 weeks to fully acclimate, and now increases to about twice his size when the lights are on. The transformation is pretty spectacular.

This morning, I noticed he had come completely unglued from his rock (he was leaning forward, base partially exposed). I am not surprised given the fact that he expands so dramatically every day before going dormant again. Even when he was glued, he'd always lean forward a bit.

Would gluing him again be counterproductive? Should I just try to place him between two rocks? He is about 3.5 inches dormant, and about 7 inches during the day; his base is less than 2 inches. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Chairman of the board
Forest Hills
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for bare based leathers, use the rubberband, toothpick, fishline or just stuff the base in between 2 rocks. u may have to lower the flow rate n increase gradually so it wont b blown away.
glue wont work since they will just slime n shed the glue off.


Experienced Reefer
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When fragging Leathers, I always use 60lb test monofilament line.
This is strong enough to actually push it through the "Foot" of
the Leather. Then you just tie it down to a rock. When it attaches
completely, you just use a pair of scissors to cut the knot, and
pull it out.

Never fails, and it doesn't hurt the coral.

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