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Advanced Reefer
oceanside, NY
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throwing it away with out knowing what is the problem is pointless

Figure out whats going on b4 you start KILLING

I am sure someone will take it and dip it b4 they watch u kill it


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Hungriee - if you do find nudis, take them out with a turkey baster. If you located nudi eggs on the zoa stems, cut those polyps off with a razor. This is what I do.


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So I took out my colony tonight to dip in a gallon of water with 25 drops of Lugo solution. The water was yellow and I noticed in 10 mins there were mini bugs that floated to the surface and bottom of the bucket. I didnt' notice any nudis, but I saw some white bugs, some white strings, these bugs that looked like prawns (super tiny) and these yellow creatures that looked like it had spines. They were rather small. I decided to blast the colony with a turkey blaster as much as I can and I rinsed it with my tank water than placed it into my 5G QT tank. Hopefully the polyps will come back up. =I

Good thing, I dind't notice any sundial snails or nudis. But now I know I got small bugs in my tank. Not sure what they are but tehy were microscopic. Overall it was a success good thing I didn't toss it without trying. Thanks for the advice guys.

Only bad part tonight, was I cracked a small piece of my torch corals skeleton b/c I moved my colony then it fell down and hit a rock and the sand bed. Hopefully that will heal soon.


Barnum Island
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I got grn button polyps around it and a torch coral nearby too, but the tentacles don't touch it.

Are you aware that the tentacles on a torch coral can reach out several more inches than the usual length you see during the day? How near to the zoa colony was it?

Any chance you still have the critters that dropped of off the colony and could take pics of them? Most sound like pods, but curious about the one you describe as 'yellow creatures that looked like it had spines'?

For the torch that got knocked over..did any part of the skeleton break off? If you have any ICGel (or superglue gel) you can put some on the outside of the skeleton to secure the piece, just be sure not to get any glue on the soft tissue of the coral itself.


Advanced Reefer
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I discarded all the water with the organisms. The coral is now in a 5g Qt doing better. Few polyps popped back out. It was about 3" away from the torch, the torch probably did sting it since i dindt' find any zoa killers. I did find alot of those white bugs and worm looking creatures off my rocks and those mini shrmp looking creatures.


Barnum Island
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Those pods are the good guys in a reef tank :)

Some folks who have tanks that are technically too small to produce enough pods (less than 100 g) for a Mandarin to thrive often purchase bottles of them to make sure there are plenty. Having a fuge helps somewhat. Sometimes (unfortunately rarely) a Mandarin will eat frozen mysis, or even pellets.

Something to keep in mind about Mandarins...once they cannot find food for a short time, they will often starve to death, even if they are then provided with the live pods that they do eat. Nobody seems to know why.
Once you see him/her start to look thin, you may want to consider re-homing him immediately so it doesn't die. Perhaps when you have a larger tank (not sure what size yours is), or a more established tank you can consider getting another one? :)

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