I actually have a better question, since i realized i dont have another phosban i can't do a frag tank with the 10 gal.
I'm breaking my tank down to paint the room its in, and im going to set it back up in about a month. Meanwhile, since all i have is live sand and rock, i am going to set up a small shallow rubbermaid to keep the rock "alive" while the tank is being taken down. I am going to put the rock in a shallow (eight inches tops) rubbermaid with the live sand. I am going to set up my orbit pc (5x65 watt) light above the rubbermaid to keep all growth on the rock alive. I am going to put in a powerhead or two, and a phosban to remove phosphates. My new question is, would it be a good idea to put in a few corals or maybe a clam to take advantage of the shallow, bright lighting ill have in the rubbermaid so that when i set my 75 back up the corals and clam would have grown and budded more? i was thinking that would be a good idea