So I had been having problems with my full colt coral and after noticing a rotting occurring I decided to cut the bad part off, give it an iodine dip and frag a few pieces of it.
I was told I can pin it to a rock, but I don't know how a pin can go througth a rock? Also told glue would work, but after really securing it ALL pieces have slimed their way off? Right now I am trying burrying them slightly in sand and pinning them with rubble in a tuperware container and placing them in low flow in my refugium. Any other suggestions and how long can it take for it to attatch via my latest method?
The frags do actually look fairly healthy.
I was told I can pin it to a rock, but I don't know how a pin can go througth a rock? Also told glue would work, but after really securing it ALL pieces have slimed their way off? Right now I am trying burrying them slightly in sand and pinning them with rubble in a tuperware container and placing them in low flow in my refugium. Any other suggestions and how long can it take for it to attatch via my latest method?
The frags do actually look fairly healthy.