In my honest opinion, I don't think it is anything specific other than the fact that the tank is fairly new and that you might be slightly inexperienced.
SPS is are very hard. Your water parameters not only need to be spot on, but many of the parameters need to be kept stable. Miss your dosing one day, or even forget to do it in the morning but make it up later that night, you could very well see tissue necrosis. Your PH swings too much, and you get tissue necrosis. The temp swings outside of acceptable parameters (Which in my opinion is larger temp range than most will tell you) you get tissue necrosis. Corals get to close together, you get tissue necrosis. You don't have enough water movement, you get tissue necrosis. Too much dissolved organics, you can get tissue necrosis. See a pattern here?
Add in the fact that you have a mix of SPS, LPS and softies and it gets even harder as a certain amount of chemical warfare starts to take place (and you get tissue necrosis). In order to deal with the chemical warfare, I would start aggressively running carbon (changed out fairly often) and keep a very strict water change routine (once a week).
I would start testing everyday, or at the least every other day so you know exactly how your parameters change. You will want to test PH twice a day for a few days as the PH will swing from the time that your lights come on, to the time the go off, and back again until the lights come back on.
After a while, it all becomes second nature.