I have what I believe to be a cauliflower leather coral. It has been in my tank for a few days now and is just slumped over most of the time. There are also a few small branches off of the main ones that appear to be melting. It doesn't look horrible, but it sure looked much happier at the store. What can I do or what is happening? I have moved it around a few places with about the same reaction at each location. Other lps and polyp corals are thriving.
Nitrate ~10
Phosphate ~0
Salinity ~1.025
Temp 78-80 (more temp swings from the heat wave)
3 watts per gallon
Moderate flow.
Nitrate ~10
Phosphate ~0
Salinity ~1.025
Temp 78-80 (more temp swings from the heat wave)
3 watts per gallon
Moderate flow.