I wrote a really long post late last night about sun corals..and then I fell asleep with the computer on and lost the whole thing..argh..I'll try and redo it now...though Deans post covers a good deal of it..thxs Dean !
Interesting info about suncorals..
- True, they have no problem being out in full MH lighting, mine enjoy the 250's
- Each head does want to be fed individually, and preferably daily, I often feed twice a day and it makes them multiply much faster
-They will eat until they are full (if you let them)and when done, they don't allow the food to stick any longer
-Sun corals will spawn in your tank ( I don't know the mechanics of it, but they do!) Most often by growing baby polyps as offshoots of the 'mother' head, and at times you will find babies growing on other rocks within the tank
- Black & Green sun corals sometimes die suddenly for no apparant reason that anyone has figured out yet
- They seems to grow better & faster when fed mysis over cyclopeeze
- When training a sun coral to open during the day, 'tease' them with cyclopeeze (anywhere in the tank) about 5 minutes before you introduce the mysis
- The most important thing in training them to open during the day is to be VERY consistent about what time you feed them. They WILL learn to open at the same time each day
- Even if you train them..they will still open during the night
- Sun corals will rot if you leave them on the sand bed..they need to be on a rock
Mine have gotten used to me bumping into them with the baster when I feed them and they don't even bother to close up when I do as they know a meal is coming. I usually squirt some mysis into the tank before I feed to keep the fish busy, but someone is always happy to swipe a piece of mysis from the suns. If you feed as frequently as I do, that isn't an issue as there will likely be another meal the following day.
I know I forgot a couple of things and I'll come back and add them as I recall.
Enjoy your sun corals!