i was searching on our mh files to see what people use to feed corals and every one uses different items. people say ohh dont use this cuz ur nitrate is goin to go sky rocket and oh dont u this cuz ur phosphate is goin to go up. i have a 55g reef with alot of soft corals , zoos and some lps and a clam, rose bubble tip anenome. ive been using oyster eggs and cyclops . i dont target feed no body just the anenome i put brine shrimp in his mouth. but other than that i just throw cyclops or oyster eggs in the tank . i turn all my pumps off except my seio and let them absorb the food for like a hr. now my ? is what is the right food and for corals to eat period do u have to target feed or just dumpin the food in the tank and lettin them absorb the nutrients is a proper way to feed. ive read thousands of post and still this is like a on goin topic, i would love to know the real answer. in the ocean im thinkin to my self no one is target feeding anyone, they grab what is near them and all they have that is sun light, that is something that there goin to get , but food i dont know about that, any way sorry for writin so much i was just want to know the right answer.:givebeer: