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Tonga Wanga
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i have a 90 gallon with corals reproducing at a good pace so id like to start snippin some pieces ....
i recently just set up a 65 gallon with about a 1 inch sand bed and a pretty large "Amiracle" hang on with small pieces of live rock in the first chamber and the second chamber has about a 1 1/2" sand bed with some plant life from my 90 gallon sump the plants are growing and as of for now im running carbon and i was running a protien skimmer at first helping to clean up what was in the sand .....
the question is do i have to fill this tank with live rock to better the coral reproduction? i was thinking about letting a nice amount of plant life grow maybe about a 3rd of the tank and then build eggcrate shelves
also no fish in the tank
will it be harder to maintain calcium and magnesium levels without LR

or maybe some of you guys can help me set up a much better frag tank for a 65 gallon

any help appreciated


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Alot of people use low tanks for more area for frag racks and such. 65 might be too high (think its 24"). Usually people go 8-15 inches high. Try a clean tank with your little hang on fuge and no sand/rock in the frag (main tank) part of it. That way less places for junk to accumulate and you can blow the dietrius to collect. Just skim or do alot of water changes and run carbon/phosban to help clean the water and remove PO4. As far as plant growth stay away from caulerpa and stuff thats super intrusive. =0) But thats your PO4 removal if you want =0)


Tonga Wanga
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i was just figuring that it's what i have for now and how can i make the best of it ......would it be a bad idea to set up an eggcrate 8-10 inches from water level? i was also thinking about running a wet circular saw through it and chopping it down lol and break out the glass from the top support and silicone it back in .....would the tank crack with a wet circular saw ...maybe well soon find out
and thanks for the info

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