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so what bulb combination would you guys suggest to be SPS friendly? :)

A combination that will be aesthetically pleasing.......... Check with Ming, Vic, and the other T5 guys. They'll all work but copying a bulb configuration to your liking would be best.


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I am going to go out on a limb here :). You can keep SPS under just about any lighting even Normal output bulbs(I've done it). I'm not necessarily saying this is better for intense colors. The point is healthy, somewhat colorful SPS can be kept under less lighting. This is one of the biggest misconceptions in the SPS reefing. The key is to keep your nutrient levels down.

Lighting is not the only factor to consider
Ask yourself this. Why don't my corals look like another guys corals with the same lighting? Because there are other more important variables such as coral selection, acclimation, nutrient level, water clarity, and coral placement. Don't accept the answer "every tank is different". The truth is they're all the same....well, not literally. They're the same in a sense that our animals will react the same given specific situations and environments.

Keeping SPS is easy. Keeping SPS with a nice stock of fish isn't. IME of keeping SPS over the last 8 years, they can handle huge swings in temp, alk, calcium, and PH and still be healthy + alive (maybe a little stressed) If you put them in a "dirty" tank they RTN overnight. A dirty tank for SPS would be considered many of the successful mixed reefs we have on the boards here. If you choose to keep SPS + some fish you will need a really good skimmer, large frequent water changes, a good phosphate remover, or you can resort to one of the uber reefing systems like zeo or prodibo etc...You'll likely kill quite a few corals learning how to correctly dose the last option.

That stupid saying "have your cake and eat to" applies here. You're not having a tank full of fish and colorful acros unless you are really prepared to work for it, and it does become work. My advice to newer reefers interested in SPS is to be prepared in the necessary maintenance required to keep a nice SPS tank with fish. Have the right equipment.
If you are really serious about SPS and find yourself with limited funds for good equipment, add no fish or only 1 or 2 max. Feed little
The worst thing you could do is have a lot of fish, SPS, and poor equipment. SPS are "hard" to keep this way. In this case, you're better off keeping a mixed reef. Nothing looks worse than a tank of brown acros.
Now this is good information.


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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i have a 6 bulb config also. i am using 2 10k 2 gies 11k and 2 gies antic plus, but getting 1 more of the 11k and antic plus, dont like the light color of the 10k's. i like fish therefor the reason i got a euroreef rs 135 for a 50g total water volume tank. plus i do weekly water change's. as well as i run a phos reactor. i havent seen any other bulb other than the giesmann and the current bulbs so i cant say on others but i do like the giesmann's


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn / CNY
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For a 55long tank I ran 4x54w overdriven T5s with this config:
ATI Blue Plus,
ATI Aquablue Special
UVL Aquasun.
ATI Blue Plus.
My SPS color and growth are much better then when I was running just regular Tek T5 set for a year.

Like Jackson said, it required alot of work.
For that 55long tank (+15gal sump/fuge) mentioned above. It has alot of fishes and many are messy eaters & feed twice a day, but I do at least 10+ gal water change every week. Run Phosban, chiller/fans, skimmer, ph monitor to monitor stability. And its been heavily stocked with SPS for almost 2 years now. Another thing I should mention is my SPSs are mostly frags from other ppl (Ming,Kedd,etc), a few maricultured. And they seems hardy for me.
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Well, I don't have t5's, but I have 65wt pc's...2 10,000K and 2 actinic, and I have very good luck with SPS. Right now I have 3 pieces of acropora, and all are growing well and have good color. Montipora grows so well that I have to break it off when it reaches the surface. I also have fish...yellow tang, tricolor wrasse, maroon clown, hippo tang, royal grama, and algae blenny (55 gal tank)...way too many mushrooms also....its actually LPS that I find difficult. I do water changes every 2-3 weeks...dose with 25 ml b-ionic everyday, give phytoplankton afew times a week...that's it for maintenance.


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After reading this I started to second guess the 3 24W T5s I have on my 26 BF, but after looking at my tank I'd say my lighting is sufficient. I say that because all of my zoos, mushrooms, etc. that used to reach up for light in the 40L (260W PC) which was 6" shallower than the 26, are perfectly flat against the rocks AND are on the sand. Amazing.

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